This resource has been generously supported by Optus in association with their sponsorship of the Gold Coast 2018 XXI Commonwealth Games.
Using this resource
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are advised that this resource contains a range of material which may be considered culturally sensitive, including the records of people who have passed away.
This resource is aligned to the Australian Curriculum: Health and Physical Education for Year 7, 8, 9 and 10 students. It adopts an inquiry learning approach that develops students’ skills in investigating sport in Australian society. Students will engage with a rich selection of sources and be challenged to draw their own conclusions about the role of sport in Australia’s culture and history.
The module uses the National Library’s vast collections to explore how participation in the Commonwealth Games, alongside migration, the media and the involvement of women, para-sport athletes and Aboriginal and Torres Strait lslander people, have impacted the ways in which Australians play and understand sport.