Our employment register is for non-ongoing (temporary) jobs that are short-term or project-based for up to 18 months. Jobs may be filled on a full-time, part-time or casual basis, depending on business requirements.
Temporary employment
Jobs at all classification levels are available in the following areas:
- Collections Management - preservation, cataloguing, acquisitions, special collections management, curatorship, archivists
- Library Services - reference services, reading room floor, document supply services, collection retrieval, research
- Digital and IT Services - IT support and operations, Trove, digitisation, digital preservation, web development, graphic design
- Corporate services and administration - finance, human resources, executive support, building management, records management
- Exhibitions and outreach - education, marketing, editorial/publishing, exhibition installation.
How to register
You can complete an application form found on the Job vacancies page.
You must meet certain eligibility criteria to apply for jobs with us.
Staying on the temporary register
All registrations expire on 30 June each year. At this time, you will be invited to renew your interest in the register.
You can contact the Recruitment team at recruitment@nla.gov.au for queries about the temporary employment register.