Harold White Fellows from 2001 to 2010. The Harold White Fellowship program was suspended in 2014 with a new Fellowship and Scholarship program launched from 2016.


Dr Bronwen Douglas, Senior Fellow, Division of Pacific and Asian History, RSPAS, Australian National University
Racial Geography, Local Knowledge, and the Naming of Oceania 1750-1850

Dr Sheridan Palmer, Manning Clark/CAL Residential Fellow; Honorary Fellow, the Australian Centre, University of Melbourne; independent art curator, author and arts writer
The Antipodean: The Life and Work of Bernard Smith

Dr Priscilla Roberts, Associate Professor of History, University of Hong Kong
Anglo-American Think Tanks and China Policy

Dr Lynne McCarthy was awarded but unable to undertake a Fellowship.


Mr John Arnold, Senior Lecturer, National Centre for Australian Studies, Monash University
The Time was Ripe: Sun Books as an agent of cultural change in Australia

Dr David Carter, Professor of Australian Literature and Cultural History, University of Queensland
Making it in the American Market: Australian Books and American Publishers

Dr Robert Cribb, Senior Fellow, Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National University
State finance in the Indonesian revolution in Java, 1945-1949

Dr Tatiana Gabroussenko, Visiting Fellow, China and Korea Centre, Faculty of Asian Studies, Australian National University
Shifting patterns of North Korean propaganda from 1994 to the present

Dr Philip Jones, Senior Curator, Department of Anthropology, South Australian Museum
George French Angas, artist and ethnographer

Dr Kenneth Morgan, Professor of History, Brunel University, London
ABC Orchestras

Dr Fiona Wheeler, Professor of Constitutional Law, College of Law, Australian National University
Parachuting In: War and Extra-Judicial Activity by High Court Judges


Dr Susan Cochrane, University of Queensland Postdoctoral Fellowship for Women
The lost art: William Dargie and a cultural history

Dr David Foster, Novelist
A reading of Burton’s Arabian Nights for the novel Shahrazad

Mr Peter Robertson, Research Coordinator, Science, Engineering & Technology Portfolio, RMIT University 
A biography of the Australian astronomer John Bolton

Dr Sue Taffe, Honorary Research Fellow, Centre for Australian Indigenous Studies, Monash University
Fighting Friendships: activists for Indigenous Rights, 1950s 1980s


Dr Catharine Coleborne, Senior Lecturer, Department of History, University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand
Madness in the family

Mr Peter Hamburger, First Assistant Secretary, Cabinet Divsion, Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, Canberra
The Netherlands East Indies: a perfect bureaucrats' state

Dr Nathalie Nguyen, ARC Australian Research Fellow, The Australian Centre, University of Melbourne
Vietnamese refugees: perspectives and perceptions

Mr Graeme Skinner, Freelance music consultant
Peter Sculthorpe biography, part 2 (1975-present)

Dr Julie Stephens, Senior Lecturer, School of Social Sciences, Faculty of Arts, Education and Human Development, Victoria University
The Uses and Abuses of Feminist Cultural Memory


Dr Pamela Gutman, Honorary Associate, Department of Art History and Theory, University of Sydney
Bloomsbury in Burma: a biography of George Hannington Luce

Dr Bernadette Hince, Researcher, Canberra
The Heard Island diaries of John Béchervaise

Dr Jemma Purdey, Writer-in-residence, Centre of Southeast Asian Studies, Monash Asia Institute, Monash University
Herb Feith: a biography

Dr Carolyn Strange, Senior Fellow, Centre for Cross-Cultural Research, Australian National University
Thomas Griffith Taylor (1880-1963): visions of 'Man and Nature' in the 20th Century


Dr Paul Humphries, Researcher, Murray Darling Freshwater Research Centre, Albury
Identification of species, abundance and distribution of fishes in the Murray River in earlier times

Dr Simon Potter, Lecturer in History, National University of Ireland
The connections between the mass media in Britain and Australia and the other Dominions in the period 1920-1970

Professor Bob Reece, Professor of History, Murdoch University
The papers of Daisy Bates

Professor Thomas Shapcott, Professor of Creative Writing, University of Adelaide
The papers of Ray Mathew

Dr Thien Do, Independent researcher
Impact of modernity and colonialism on popular religion in Vietnam in the period 1900-1945


Dr Albrecht Dümling, Researcher at the Centre for Studies in Anti-Semitism, Technical University, Berlin
Refugee musicians from Germany and Austria in Australia

Dr Margot Harker, Independent researcher
‘The Radiant Day’ – Australians and their weddings

Professor Michael McClellan, Associate Professor, Department of Music, Chinese University of Hong Kong
The French Revolution on stage

Dr Penny Olsen, Visiting Fellow, School of Botany and Zoology, Australian National University
Paradise lost: the quest for the paradise parrot

Dr Rosemary Campbell was awarded but unable to undertake a Fellowship.


Professor Carl Bridge, Director of the Menzies Centre for Australian Studies, University of London
A scholarly edition of R.G. Casey's Washington diaries, 1940-42

Dr Ryan Dunch, Associate Professor, Department of History and Classics, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada
Reading missionary modernity in late Qing China

Dr Keith McKenry, Freelance researcher, Canberra
The life and work of John Meredith and his role in the Australian folk revival

Mr Angus Trumble, Curator of Paintings and Sculpture, Yale Centre for British Art, New Haven, Connecticut, USA
Rossetti's wombat; Anglo-Australian cultural relations in the second half of the nineteenth century

Mr Gary Catalano was awarded but unable to undertake a Fellowship.


Dr Penny Edwards, Postdoctoral Fellow, Centre for Cross-Cultural Research, Australian National University
The power of culture: temples of memory and the politics of nostalgia in British Burma and contemporary Myanmar

Dr Jennifer Hocking, Associate Professor, National Centre for Australian Studies, Monash University
Frank Hardy: a political life

Dr Christa Knellwolf, Honorary Research Fellow, Humanities Research Centre, Australian National University
The travelling imagination: a comparison of imaginary with real journeys of exploration

Dr Keiko Tamura, Freelance researcher, Canberra
Engagement of East and West: a critical study of the Harold Williams Collection

Dr Martin Thomas, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Technology, Sydney
Surveying cross-cultural encounter: the legacy of R.H. Mathews, anthropologist


Ms Margaret Barbalet, Novelist, Canberra
Sources on Buddhism for a novel Paradise Hotel

Dr Rhian Davies, Freelance musicologist and broadcaster, Cardiff, Wales
F.S. Kelly (1881-1916), musician and oarsman

Dr Satyanshu Mukherjee, Retired criminologist, Canberra
A history of criminal justice policy in Australia since 1788

Dr Benjamin Penny, Honorary Research Fellow, Humanities Research Centre, Australian National University
Religion in contemporary China: the case of Falungong

Dr Jane Roberts, Independent research scientist, Canberra
Australian river navigation charts, their historical and scientific values

Mrs Susan Woodburn, Special Collections Librarian, Barr Smith Library, University of Adelaide
Printing and publishing in Pacific Islands languages in Australia