All prices are in Australian dollars. Note that a $1.00 pre-authorisation hold will be made to verify your payment card. This is NOT a charge, and it will disappear from your account within a few days, depending on your financial service provider. You will not be charged until your order is supplied. If we cannot supply your item, you will not be charged.

Digital reproduction

Output Original materials Standard service (price GST free) Priority orders - surcharge per order
Digital reproduction - print/PDF Books, journals, newspapers, music, microfilm, microfiche, microprint

$19.00 per 25 consecutive pages up to 200 pages or more than 900 pages

$152.00 between 201 and 300 consecutive pages *

$247.00 between 301 and 600 consecutive pages *

$475.00 between 601 and 900 consecutive pages * 

Digital reproduction - print/PDF Manuscripts $19.00 per 25 pages per box $115.00
Digital reproduction - print/PDF Oral History transcripts $19.00 per transcript $115.00
Digital reproduction - large format - print Newspapers $19.00 per image - standard paper $115.00
Print - original size Maps $19.00 per image - standard paper $115.00

High quality digital reproduction

Output Original materials Standard service (price GST free) Priority orders - surcharge per order
Colour electronic TIFF image or JPEG image Books, journals, newspapers, manuscripts, music, pictures $52.00 per image $115.00
Colour electronic TIFF image or JPEG image Maps $52.00 per image
$52.00 per 10 aerial photograph images (or part thereof)
Digitally derived colour prints - A4 Books, journals, newspapers, manuscripts, music, pictures $60.00 per image $115.00
Digitally derived colour prints - A3 Books, journals, newspapers, manuscripts, music, pictures $70.00 per image $115.00
Custom Photography per TIFF image* Books, journals, newspapers, manuscripts, music, pictures

Quotation - Minimum charge $290.00 per image


* National Library image capture standard

Oral History recordings

Output Original materials Standard service (price GST free) Priority orders - surcharge per Item
MP3 Audio - CD Oral history recording $19.00 per CD (8 hours) Quotation - Minimum charge $115.00
Audio CD (playable in a CD player) Oral history recording $29.00 per CD (1 hour) Quotation - Minimum charge $115.00
Publication Quality - WAV file - DVD Oral history recording $19.00 per item (4 hours) Quotation - Minimum charge $115.00
Studio/editing services Oral history recording Quotation Not Available

Interlibrary loan and document delivery services from other libraries for individuals

Output Original materials Standard service (price GST free)
Photocopy/scan - print/PDF Books, journals, newspapers $19.00 per 25 consecutive pages (or part thereof).
Surcharge of $15.50 per request
Loan from an Australian library to read at the National Library of Australia Books $19.00 per request
International loan to read at the National Library of Australia Books $34.50 per request