Current statistics online

Queensland statistical information is found at the Australian Bureau of Statistics and other agencies such as:

Other statistics can be found with a search of the Queensland Government website

Print resources in the National Library

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  • Type your keywords in the search bar

Example: Queensland -- Statistics

Selected works:

Case Study

Information about Queensland

A researcher needs answers to 3 specific questions about Queensland:

  1. What is the total area of Qld in sq miles/kms
  2. What was the total population of Queensland in 1987
  3. What was the percentage of children in care in 1987

1.  Information about the geography of Queensland is given in the Region Summary from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS). The total area is approximately 1.73 million square kilometres (668,497 square miles)

2.  Population data is also available from the ABS in Australian Historical Population Statistics. Use the downloads tab to open the files, where you can find, in 'Population Age-Sex Structure' for Queensland, 1987:

  • Males: 1344029

  • Females: 1331078

  • Total: 2675107

3.  Information for 1987 is more likely to be available in print than online. A careful National Library Catalogue search reveals a 1987 publication, Children in care : Welstat National Data Collection

Statistics are published by state, and include several categories of care orders. Briefly, in 1987 the number of children under guardianship orders in Queensland were:

  • Males: 1,974
  • Females: 1,545
  • Total: 3,519



Queensland [cartographic material]  compiled and published from latest available information by Southern Sales Ltd, 1909

Map of Queensland showing railways, main roads, shire boundaries, shire names and cities. Includes comparative state statistics for 1909.


QLD resources include: