Charles H. Kerry (1857-1928), Art Gallery, Sydney 1894 or 1895, nla.obj-161941745
Unfortunately the Library does not provide a valuation service for any type of item, nor can we provide valuation details for items held in the Library’s collections.
You can find a list of approved Australian valuers on the Australian Government’s Cultural Gifts Program website, and search for certified auctioneers and valuers on the Auctioneers and Valuers Association of Australia website.
There are also a number of other print and online resources you can use to value your item.
You can search online second-hand booksellers with viaLibri to find up to date information on market values of books and access the Library’s subscription of Books in Print via our eResources portal. Go to the browse eResources tab and search 'book trade' to find relevant resources.
You can also contact individual Australian Antiquarian booksellers and search their catalogues; a list of booksellers and their contact details can be found on the Australian and New Zealand Association of Antiquarian Booksellers (ANZAAB) website.
There are also a number of auction price records for books published that may be useful, these include Australian Book Auction Records and American book prices current.
Art work
A number of our art eResources provide information on current market values of art work. One useful database you can access from home with your Library login is Australian Art Auction Records (includes New Zealand art auction results). To find this, go to our eResources portal and to the browse eResources tab and then search for the name of the database.
Published records of past art auctions can be found in the Art Sales Index. You can access this index inside the Library building, or check Trove to find a copy near you.
Lists of individual map dealers can be found at MapRecord Publications and Old maps - Marketplace.